Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas for the Red Army

The Red Army will head into the Christmas break on a winning note after going into Sundre and pouncing on the Sabres. The Sabres goalie (with his 1980's style) made some fine saves, but couldn't keep the score from being about 15-3. The RA iced two forward lines and 5 defense. The youngest forward line (Harmattan line - James and John Lefebvre and Bret Filmore) was flying all night, getting about 75 % of the teams goals. Calvin Mix had a hot first period, marking up three tallies in about 10 minutes. Tyler Brooks says that he was just trying to build up the other goalie by shooting the puck at his logo or pads all night. The RA defense was solid all game, with strong performances from wylie veterans Gord, Mark, and Mike, and young up and comers Jeff and Hoppe (first name?). Calvin may have slid off his goal scoring pace when he noticed Coach, GM, Car starter Steve Filmore on the phone for about 20 minutes in the second period. There were rumours of a deal being done at the time, which could have thrown him off his game. Red Army's next game goes Sunday, January 4th against the Brewers of Didsbury.

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