Monday, January 5, 2009

4 on 4 Style Works for Red Army - Sunday, January 5/09.

With lots of open ice and turkey in their guts, the RA came out strong on Sunday night. With only 7 skaters on each side, both teams decided 4 on 4 was the way to go. The line of Rob and Gord played a strong puck control game, keeping the Brewers hemmed in their own zone for much of the game. Calvin had about 4 to 7 goals and Tyler chipped in with 3 to 5. Mike had a big 3rd period (or atleast it appeared that way), scoring 2 or 3 Bobby Orresque goals. As usual, Mark was a pillar on the blue line and Brian had tons of offensive chances. Chris held the Brewers goaless until about the 5 minute mark of the second period - then the RA let off their defensive stronghold and the scoring chances came furiously for the Brewers. The RA held on for a close about 15 - 5 win. Quote of the game - "Neither" by Rob, when responding to this question: "Are you guys the scoring or checking line?" The Red Army's next game goes Tuesday night against what should be a much improved Sundre Sabers squad.


  1. Pillar...don't you mean pylon! I think Leggette was standing in front of the net for 4 of the 5 goals against. You might want to think about trading him for a new stick for Rob as he broke his in the 1st period.

  2. Sundre Sabres return to Didsbury.

    Tyler and Calvin miss the Bus.
    Last minute call-ups Ryan Miller and Pat Turville from the mountainview Colts minor-league team help on bailout.
    May be difficult for missing players to re-enter lineup as rookies shine in 6-5 victory. Tom Hadway stands tall between the pipes on two breakaway shut-downs.
    Player/GM/Scout Steve Fillmore at approx. 98% on face-off wins.
    B. Fillmore, J. Kerr the semi-committed minor leauguers shone tonight with Kerr initiating the scoring for the RA.
    In the light of the great perfomances by the RA call-ups, Casey no doubt feared for his place in the line-up and showed his committment to the team by both filling up and taking the water bottles home. His spot may not be secure as with the warmer weather, players were willing to start their own vehicles.
    The fate of Calvin and Bucky still hangs in the balance as reports noticed Fillmore on the phone right after the game.
    Next game is Tuesday against the Carstairs Predators.
