Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Beaver Buzz, Poor Breakouts and Neutral Zone Turn-overs Cost Red Army!

The RA went into Tuesday night's home game against the Predators knowing they had to start their second back-to-back game stretch of the year with a win. It didn't start well when Hopfe spent the first 4 minutes of the game closet drinking with his old pal - Beaver Buzz. He was buzzed alright, spending much of the first period on his side. Tyler and Calvin return to the line up after missing last game's bus, and Jay came off his month and a half hiadus, as the starting line, but were rudely awakened with a minus within the first minute - the first of about 10. They admit to feeling the pressure from comments made by General Manager Steve about 20 seconds before puck drop - something about being on the trading block due to poor professionalism and work ethic. However, Steve must have felt pressure from hisself as on many occassions in the first he came to the bench shaking his head and muttering to his Costco stick. Gord, Mike, Mark, and Brian all played solid, veteran-like games; barely being noticed, which is hopefully a good thing. Casey presented the 4 fans with the highlight of the night, with his quick finger on the the horn off button...oh yeah, and going roofdaddy from the bottom of the circle late in the third period. Once again, Tommy was stellar, only to be letdown by his team's lack of goal scoring - 11 goals. He was pulled with 1 minute to go, but to no avail, as the RA fell to the Predators 12-11 (or something like that?). Hopfe, or Happy, or Hawpe, or Hoppe, or Poppy (still working on spelling) postgame comments: "I hope Tyler can learn how to spell my last name, and try to remember my first name." Red Army go again tonight in Olds with nothing but revenge on their minds and hopefully not to much lead in their pants.

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